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AutorenbildTom Wanger

AUGUST 2021 - Siyuan and Leo joined our group as PhD students

It is again this time of the year when new PhD students finally arrive at Westlake University and join the labs. This year we have two new additions to the lab.

Siyuan is not a new face in the lab - he has worked with us as a Research Assistant for over a year now. And he decided to stay to continue developing new methods for environmental pollutant detection and understanding the ecosystem consequences. We are very excited to see what you will come up with in the years to come, Siyuan. Welcome to the SAT lab, a second time!

Leo is based in Zhenzhong Lan's lab, where he has also been working as a Research Assistant before. In addition to an industry project in Zhenzhong;s group, Leo will work with Kevin to make the automated monitoring devices a reality. We are very excited to have on board, Leo!

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